Reimbursement Spousal Maintenance
"...there's one of the provisions that's not based on need, and under that provision of the statute it's possible for a spouse to seek reimbursement spousal maintenance."
Setting Aside Divorce Decree
"You have a 15 day deadline to seek a new trial or to try to alter or amend the divorce decree."
Temporary Orders
"Divorce cases can take sometimes a year or more from start to's very difficult sometimes for people to get through that whole year without some temporary support or...court orders."
Grandparent Visitation
"There are some instances where it would be appropriate for a grandparent to seek visitation with a grandchild."
Representation of Children
Often clients going through child custody cases say that "their child needs to be heard and they want someone to stand up for their child."
What Does “No Fault” Divorce Mean?
"You don't have to have grounds to get a divorce in Arizona."
Preliminary Injunction
The Preliminary Injunction is "a court order that automatically goes into effect at the beginning of every divorce case and it prohibits certain actions by both spouses."
Division of Assets Illustrated
"...and remember, it's only the community property that gets divided..."
Restoration of Former Name
"It's really a good idea, if a woman wants to go back to a former name, to do it as part of a divorce case."
Legal Separation
"A legal separation is not a precursor to a divorce."
Consider Tax Consequences
"Not all assets are deferred assets are not equal to after-tax assets."
Basic Steps to Divide Assets
"The client can provide us valuable information...because they have personal knowledge of what assets the parties own."
Spousal Maintenance
"It is available in Arizona. It's typically given when the parties have a longer marriage...and is also usually limited to situations where there is a big disparity in the spouses' incomes."
Three Top Priorities of Divorce Clients
"When my clients come in, they are looking for some specific things."