Amicably Resolving Divorces in Mesa

Divorce can be stressful, and many people wish to streamline and simplify the process by using Mediation. Divorce mediation is one option for pursuing a negotiated settlement without going to trial. Kyle Scoresby is an experienced divorce mediation lawyer.  He has helped many clients explore their divorce settlement options. Contact us to schedule a virtual consultation to learn more.

Advising and Representing You in Mediation

If you and your spouse are committed to resolving your divorce amicably but need help coming to agreements about things like child custody (legal decision-making) and parenting time, a child support arrangement, or the issues involved in property division and alimony, divorce mediation may be helpful.

A mediator is a neutral person — generally an attorney or someone else familiar with family law — who helps divorcing spouses identify and resolve issues.

Protect Your Interests by Speaking With an Attorney Prior to Mediation

Some people are interested in going into mediation without their own lawyers. While this may be a good option in some cases, people can also be taken advantage of in mediation if they don’t have personal advocates to keep them informed about their rights. Whether or not you want a lawyer to accompany you to mediation, you should definitely consult one about thoroughly investigating and documenting your and your spouse’s financial and personal circumstances before agreeing on a settlement.

Evaluating All of Your Divorce Settlement Options

Mediation is not the only way to achieve a settlement in a divorce case. Often, when each spouse is represented by a lawyer and both sides are committed to working toward a resolution in good faith, a settlement can be reached without the involvement of a mediator.

Contact an Experienced Arizona Family Law Attorney Today

Mr. Scoresby has more than 30 years of experience representing family law clients in Maricopa, Pinal and other Arizona counties. Put his experience to work for you. Contact us to schedule a virtual consultation to discuss your options with Mr. Scoresby.